
Rhinoplasty FAQs

Rhinoplasty benefitsHave you been considering a nose job (also known as “rhinoplasty”)? If so, you are not alone. Rhinoplasty is a very common procedure, which makes perfect sense – the nose is one of the first things people notice, and if you aren’t happy with yours it can make you insecure and self-conscious. However, you may have a few questions about rhinoplasty. Read on for answers to common rhinoplasty questions.

What can rhinoplasty do?

Rhinoplasty may be used to create a more symmetrical appearance; change the angle, size, or shape of the nose; straighten a bump on the nose; or improve nostril appearance. It can also be used to correct a deviated septum, improve breathing, or help to repair the nose after an injury.

What can I expect during rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can be done in about 2 hours, under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. It is an outpatient procedure, and you should ask a friend to drive you home afterwards and stay with you the first day after surgery.

What are “open” and “closed” rhinoplasty?

“Open” rhinoplasty is a procedure that involves a small incision under the nose and between the nostrils and incisions inside the nose. In “closed” rhinoplasty, incisions are only made inside the nose. The open technique is used for more complex cases, such as after a nose injury. For minor changes, the closed technique may be used. Your doctor will be able to decide which technique will be best for you.

Will the procedure and recovery period be painful?

You will be given anesthesia during the procedure and won’t feel pain. After the procedure you may have a headache and your nose will be bruised and swollen, which should go away in about two weeks. You should feel back to normal within a few days and you should be able to return to your normal activities in about a week.

If you have more questions about rhinoplasty, the experts at 22 Plastic Surgery in Cottonwood Heights or Salt Lake City, Utah, will be happy to answer them for you, or you can schedule a consultation. Call (801) 937-9650 today!

Neck Lift

What Is a Neck Lift?

Next lift surgery

The neck is one of the first parts of the body to show a person’s age – it easily collects excess fat and skin. This is incredibly difficult to remove on your own, no matter what treatment or skin care product you may try. However, when people consider a procedure to make themselves look younger, very often the neck is the last thing they think about. A neck procedure can make a huge difference, though. Read on for more details about neck lifts and why such an option might be right for you.

What can a neck lift do?

A neck lift can get rid of excess fat and skin to give your neck a more toned appearance. It can also be used to get rid of “turkey wattles,” the wrinkled, saggy folds of skin that appear on the neck as we age. Turkey wattles can be caused by many things, such as rapid weight loss or genetics, and occurs when the skin loses elasticity. Whatever the cause, they can definitely make a person look older.

What can I expect from a neck lift?

A neck lift procedure can take several hours; the time it takes depends on exactly what is being done. The surgeon will remove excess fat and skin and lift the neck muscles. After the procedure, your neck will feel “tight” and you may notice some bruising, which will go away in a couple of weeks. You should plan on taking at least a week off of work, although recovery may take as long as 14 days. You shouldn’t take part in hard physical activity such as sports for at least 3 weeks.

Once the healing is complete, your skin will look smoother, your neck will look younger and more contoured, and your face will look more defined and toned.

You may have considered a face lift, but have you thought about what a difference a neck lift could make? The experts at 22 Plastic Surgery in Cottonwood Heights or Salt Lake City, Utah, can help you to decide if a neck lift would be a good option for you. Call (801) 937-9650 for a consultation today!

Mommy Makeover

You Deserve a Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover

Some people may think that a “mommy makeover” is meant to please the partner of the new mommy – not true! A mommy makeover gives the new mom a chance to renew her body and feel better about herself after a year or so of massive changes.

What is a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover is whatever you want it to be. You can pick and choose which procedure or procedures you want. Depending on the results you want to see, it can include liposuction to remove stubborn fat, labiaplasty to repair a torn or stretched labia, a breast lift to reshape breasts, and/or a breast augmentation. Having more than one procedure performed at once is safe and also limits exposure to anesthesia. Also, it means only one recovery period, and it is more affordable than having the procedures performed separately at different times.

Who can get a mommy makeover?

Before you get a mommy makeover, you should be in good physical shape, not be overweight, and not plan on having any more children.

For stomach procedures, it is best to wait until a year after giving birth. For breast procedures, you should wait for 3 months after you have stopped breast feeding.

What can I expect after a mommy makeover?

Depending on which procedures you choose to have done, the surgery can take anywhere from 2 to 5 hours. After the procedure it will take 2 weeks to a month to get back to your normal activities; you will need help for the first week after the procedure, especially if your children are very young.

Once the healing is complete, you’ll see a reduction in stretch marks, a less noticeable cesarean scar, firmer skin, and reshaped breasts.

Motherhood is a beautiful thing, but you shouldn’t feel self-conscious about your body as a result – and you don’t have to! A mommy makeover can help you feel better about yourself and get your body back into shape. 22 Plastic Surgery in Cottonwood Heights or Salt Lake City, Utah, performs mommy makeovers. For more information or to make an appointment, call (801) 937-9650.

Tummy Tuck

Preparing for Your Tummy Tuck

Woman in sportswear showing fit torso and arm.If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to start feeling better about yourself, a tummy tuck just may do the trick. In a tummy tuck (or “abdominoplasty”) procedure, excess fat and skin is removed from the abdomen and midsection. It can help people who have lost a lot of weight (but are stuck with excess fat and skin) as well as women who are finding it hard to lose that poochy tummy after having a baby. However, a tummy tuck is a medical procedure, and there are some things you should know about how to prepare for it.

Do what your doctor tells you to do

Your doctor will give you specific instructions, but here are some things to keep in mind: stop smoking, as this can weaken your immune system, slow down the healing process, and increase the risk of complications. You should also stop taking any anti-inflammatory medications (such as ibuprofen and aspirin) a couple of weeks before the procedure. And, if you are taking any herbal supplements, you should ask your doctor if it’s all right to continue taking them in the weeks leading up to your tummy tuck.

Stay healthy

Yes, your tummy tuck will help to flatten your stomach. However, you shouldn’t stop taking care of yourself just because you have a tummy tuck scheduled. Eat healthy, high protein, low fat foods and get regular exercise before your procedure so that your body is up for the procedure and the recovery.


Make sure you have someone to drive you home after the procedure and to stay with you at least overnight. A few days before your tummy tuck, make some meals ahead of time so you don’t have to spend time cooking. Also, make sure you have a comfy spot prepared, and make sure that you have bottles of water, puzzles and books, and the remote within reach and ready to go.

If you have any questions about your upcoming tummy tuck or you would like to schedule a consultation for a tummy tuck, contact 22 Plastic Surgery in Cottonwood Heights or Salt Lake City, Utah. Call (801) 937-9650 today!

Spa MD

Give the Gift of a Spa Day This Holiday Season

Facial SpaEveryone has someone on their gift-giving list who is just impossible to buy for. You have no idea what to get them, and when you do buy them something they seem less-than-impressed. This year, make it easy on yourself and remove all doubt as to whether they’ll like it or not – how about a spa day at 22 Plastic Surgery and Spa? There is something for everyone!


At 22 Plastic Surgery and Spa, there are many types of facials to choose from. There’s the Signature Treatment, a 3-in-1 facial. An MD Acne Facial can help clear up impurities that can clog the pores and cause acne flare ups. If you are trying to decide what to get for the men on your list, don’t worry – men can get facials, too! Ask about the Mankind Facial, specifically designed for his skin.

IV Infusions

Maybe you and your friends need a little spa pick-me-up, which is where a cocktail IV infusion comes in. A Mind Eraser can help get rid of migraines or a holiday headache. A Skin and Tonic infusion contains biotin and vitamin B complex, to give a whole new, rejuvenated look to skin, nails, and hair. The Bees Knees has NAD+ to make you look and feel younger. Or, a Mai Tai can be made especially for you and your guest, customized as you wish so that you can get what you need most.

Medical Peels

The holidays can make all of us look older than we really are! Treat your friends (and yourself ) to an anti-aging, refreshing medical peel. An Unblemished Peel can improve the texture of the skin, reduce blackheads and inflamed acne, and get rid of oil. For skin that is “lackluster,” a Quench Peel might be the right option to pep things up. A Pigment Peel can help skin that is sun damaged or has age spots or pigmented skin.

Of course, these are only a few of the options to choose from if you decide to treat a friend to a spa day for their holiday gift. Reserve some spa time today by calling 22 Plastic Surgery in Cottonwood Heights or Salt Lake City, Utah, at (801) 937-9650.


Get the young-looking, energetic eyes you want.

Close-up of a girl's eye with a smooth complexionYour eyes can say a lot about you – they can reveal emotions, tell people if you’re tired or upset, and even give a hint about your age. If you are unhappy with your eyes and are afraid they may be telling the world the wrong story, 22 Plastic Surgery and Spa offers some options so that you can get the young-looking, energetic eyes you want.

Brow Lift

A brow lift makes your eyes look more “open” and alert, while reducing the lines in between the eyes and on the forehead. It can also help a patient with bags underneath the eyes, too much eyelid skin, and a brow that is too prominent.

The procedure is fairly quick (one to two hours) and requires general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. The results may be subtle or very dramatic, depending on what you and your doctor decide about achieving the look you want.


“Blepharoplasty” is another name for eyelid surgery, and it can involve the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids, or both. This type of surgery can help if you have puffy eyelids and bags underneath the eyes. Fat, excess tissue, and excess skin are removed, giving the skin a tighter look.

You may have some bruising and swelling around the eyes, but once this goes away the results of your eyelid surgery will last for up to a year. A brow lift and blepharoplasty can be combined for stunning results.


Depending on what your needs are, you may choose to have a facelift, which tightens up the skin on the face and gets rid of lines and wrinkles. Facelifts tone up facial muscles to give a younger overall appearance, and can be combined with eyelid surgery or a brow lift to complete the look.

You aren’t depressed, unfriendly, and tired – so why let your eyes tell the world you are? Your eyes say so much about you; make sure they tell the world the story you want them to. Call 22 Plastic Surgery in Cottonwood Heights or Salt Lake City, Utah, for a consultation about which procedure may be right for you. Call (801) 937-9650 for an appointment.


Is Liposuction Good for Weight Loss?

Liposuction is an incredibly effective way to remove stubborn fat deposits from nearly every area of the body. It is not, however, a suitable method of weight loss. In fact, if too much fat is removed during a single procedure, results can be both unappealing and dangerous.

At 22 Plastic Surgery, we offer a range of liposuction techniques, enabling us to meet the varied needs of each patient. Among our most popular options are:

  • Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) – a method that utilizes a vibrating cannula to break apart fat deposits prior to their removal
  • Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL) – a method that utilizes ultrasound energy to emulsify fat deposits prior to removal

These advanced methods of liposuction help to ensure thorough removal of stubborn fat deposits. They also help to reduce trauma to surrounding tissue and may help shorten the recovery period. During your initial consultation at our Salt Lake City office, we will carefully assess your areas of concern and help you determine which type of liposuction will be best for your needs.

Maintaining Your Liposuction Results

The most reliable way to maintain the results of your liposuction procedure is through a commitment to healthy living. This includes choosing healthy and nourishing foods along with getting plenty of exercise every week.

The CDC recommends adults get at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity or 1.25 hours of high-intensity exercise weekly. However, while choosing more advanced exercises can certainly help enhance your liposuction results, nothing extreme is required for simple maintenance.

Daily walks, swimming, even power yoga can provide the aerobic benefits necessary for weight management. If you struggle with finding a routine that works for you, consider working with a personal trainer after liposuction recovery to build a workout regimen that makes sense for your body and lifestyle.

We are Here to Help

The plastic surgeons at our office welcome the opportunity to meet with you, listen to your concerns, evaluate your problem areas, and help you come up with a plan for reaching your goals. Please call 22 Plastic Surgery at (801) 937-9650 to schedule a consultation and learn more.

Tummy Tuck

Which Tummy Tuck Option is Right for Me?

Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, is used to remove loose and sagging skin from the midsection. In addition to unnecessary and unsightly skin, this procedure is used to eliminate stubborn fat deposits around the belly and waist, helping to reveal underlying contours that can easily become obscured as we age.

Some tummy tuck procedures include a tightening of the abdominal muscles, often to address diastasis recti, an issue common after multiple pregnancies. Reattaching separated stomach muscles also helps to draw the waist in and produce a more ideally contoured physique.

Abdominoplasty Options

At 22 Plastic Surgery, we offer:

  • Mimi Abdominoplasty. Useful for patients with minor skin laxity around the belly, a mini tummy tuck will likely not include stomach muscle repair, but will come with a shorter incision and reduced recovery period
  • Traditional Abdominoplasty. For patients with moderate amounts of skin laxity, the traditional tummy tuck may be ideal. Excess fat may be removed and abdominal muscles reattached during this more involved procedure as well
  • Extended Abdominoplasty. Perfect for patients with significant amounts of loose skin on the belly, hips, and flanks, an extended tummy tuck might also involve belly button repositioning and abdominal muscle tightening

A belt lipectomy, also known as a lower body lift, addresses the entire midsection from front to back, eliminating excess skin and stubborn fat on the stomach, waist, hips, and flanks. This type of tummy tuck is often best for patients whose weight loss results are hidden underneath a suit of sagging skin.

The 360° abdominoplasty approach, along with traditional and extended tummy tuck techniques, may prove very useful at eliminating stretch marks and other surface imperfections. During your initial consultation at our Salt Lake or Cottonwood Heights office, we will provide honest information about all of your options to help you select the treatment and technique that will best meet your needs.

Contact Us for a Consultation

Please call (801) 937-9650 to schedule your initial consultation at 22 Plastic Surgery. We maintain offices in Cottonwood Heights and Salt Lake City to more effectively serve men and women living throughout our area.

Tummy Tuck

When Can I Sleep on My Stomach After a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a procedure in which the excess skin and fat are removed, and the abdominal wall is reconstructed to tighten and firm the area. The tummy tuck is one of the most common cosmetic procedures, offering a dramatic and visible change to the body that provides you with more self-confidence. However, there is a period of recovery in which you must take great care not to sleep on your stomach. One of the questions patients often ask is, ‘When can I sleep on my stomach again?”

Recovering from Your Tummy Tuck

Because an abdominoplasty is a major surgery, the recovery time requires patience. You will find the best success with your surgery by following your doctor’s instructions as closely as possible. It will be important to take care with how you stand, sit, and sleep. You will not be able to lift anything, vacuum, or do other basic activities for the first two to four weeks. The majority of our patients agree that the effort during recovery is worth the results.

Sleeping Safely After Your Tummy Tuck

One of the most important factors in your recovery is the ability to sleep. Sleeping helps your body have the energy you need to recovery quickly. Sleeping safely after your tummy tuck means no sleeping on your stomach at all. While you can sleep in a bed with the proper support – pillows to elevate you and prevent you from rolling, the optimum choice is to sleep in a recliner. Not only will the recliner support you and prevent you from rolling and pulling out sutures, but you will likely get better sleep and accelerate your recovery. You’ll need to refrain from sleeping on your stomach for the first three to four weeks.

With years of training and experience performing tummy tucks, our surgeons have the expertise required to provide you with the beautiful results you want. To learn more about getting a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) in Salt Lake City and how it can help to improve your appearance, you can request a consultation online or call our office at (801) 937-9650. We are eager to meet you and help you on your aesthetic journey.

Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Breast Reconstruction Surgery for Breast Cancer Survivors

October is breast cancer awareness month, and while we all want to do our part to encourage and remind women to get their annual mammograms, we also pay homage to the women who have fought and survived the disease. Women who have already survived breast cancer are often the biggest advocates of early screening, and so many of them play a large role in furthering the research into preventing more breast cancer in the future. Many women who have survived breast cancer and have scars or had to have a mastectomy are good candidates for breast reconstruction surgery.

What Is Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

Breast reconstruction surgery is a procedure designed to create a natural-looking breast and nipple. Age is not a factor in whether or not a woman is a good candidate for breast reconstruction surgery as long as she is in relatively good health, the cancer is stable, and no further radiation treatments are required. Breast reconstructions can either be performed using an implant or by using skin, fat, and muscle from another part of the body, called an autologous-tissue breast reconstruction. Usually what determines which approach is used depends on how much tissue is left in the breast area and whether or not the patient wants implants. If you are a smoker, have other health issues, or are obese, your plastic surgeon may ask you to resolve some of your health issues prior to the surgery.

Breast Reconstruction Considerations

Breast reconstruction surgery can give you the aesthetics you desire, but there are factors to consider. First, most reconstructed breasts have little or no sensitivity due to the damage done to the nerves by the cancer or the mastectomy. Second, in order to achieve symmetry, the breast reconstruction may require that you have surgery on your remaining breast to make it a little larger or a little small than what you had originally.

With years of training and experience performing facial plastic surgery, our surgeons have the expertise required to provide you with the beautiful results you want. To learn more about breast reconstruction surgery in Salt Lake City and how it can help to improve your appearance and restore your confidence, you can request a consultation online or call our office at (801) 937-9650. We are eager to meet you and help you on your aesthetic journey.