Tummy Tuck

Which Tummy Tuck Option is Right for Me?

Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, is used to remove loose and sagging skin from the midsection. In addition to unnecessary and unsightly skin, this procedure is used to eliminate stubborn fat deposits around the belly and waist, helping to reveal underlying contours that can easily become obscured as we age.

Some tummy tuck procedures include a tightening of the abdominal muscles, often to address diastasis recti, an issue common after multiple pregnancies. Reattaching separated stomach muscles also helps to draw the waist in and produce a more ideally contoured physique.

Abdominoplasty Options

At 22 Plastic Surgery, we offer:

  • Mimi Abdominoplasty. Useful for patients with minor skin laxity around the belly, a mini tummy tuck will likely not include stomach muscle repair, but will come with a shorter incision and reduced recovery period
  • Traditional Abdominoplasty. For patients with moderate amounts of skin laxity, the traditional tummy tuck may be ideal. Excess fat may be removed and abdominal muscles reattached during this more involved procedure as well
  • Extended Abdominoplasty. Perfect for patients with significant amounts of loose skin on the belly, hips, and flanks, an extended tummy tuck might also involve belly button repositioning and abdominal muscle tightening

A belt lipectomy, also known as a lower body lift, addresses the entire midsection from front to back, eliminating excess skin and stubborn fat on the stomach, waist, hips, and flanks. This type of tummy tuck is often best for patients whose weight loss results are hidden underneath a suit of sagging skin.

The 360° abdominoplasty approach, along with traditional and extended tummy tuck techniques, may prove very useful at eliminating stretch marks and other surface imperfections. During your initial consultation at our Salt Lake or Cottonwood Heights office, we will provide honest information about all of your options to help you select the treatment and technique that will best meet your needs.

Contact Us for a Consultation

Please call (801) 937-9650 to schedule your initial consultation at 22 Plastic Surgery. We maintain offices in Cottonwood Heights and Salt Lake City to more effectively serve men and women living throughout our area.