Many patients find themselves wishing that some part of their body looked a bit ‘fuller.’ Whether it’s their breasts, butt, or areas of the face, a lack of volume can make us feel self conscious. 22 Plastic Surgery allows patients to achieve enhancements in various areas of their bodies using their own fat, leaving them with natural-looking results.
Fat transfers are able to restore lost volume in various areas of the body. The cheeks may have a sunken-in look or lines may develop that run from the nose to the mouth. Fat grafts can improve the appearance of these areas.
One of the most popular uses for fat transfers is to enhance or improve definition in certain areas of the body. The most common areas of treatment for this are the breasts and buttocks. However, fat grafts can also be used to improve the appearance of the calves and arms.
Another big advantage of fat transfers is that the skin that overlies the treatment area sees an improvement in texture. Patients walk away with skin that looks fuller and smoother.
Most adults are good candidates for a fat transfer in Salt Lake City at 22 Plastic Surgery. It is an ideal option for patients who want to see enhancements in certain areas of their body but are not comfortable with having implants put inside their bodies.
Good candidates for this procedure:
All fat transfer procedures involve liposuction and reinjection into the targeted area. Before anything else, a comprehensive consultation is needed to determine what areas of the body fat can be harvested from. Once these have been established, the procedure commences with liposuction.
Incisions are made in the donor sites, and cannulas (tube) are placed into them to harvest the fat (by way of suction). This collected fat is then purified and prepared for reinjection into the targeted areas. The procedure can last anywhere from 4 to 5 hours.
Following the procedure, swelling and bruising are totally normal and to be expected. These newly-transferred cells are incredibly fragile and any additional injury can lead to fat cell death. This essentially means that the fat will be absorbed by the body rather than staying in place. Patients will have check-ins with the doctor in the following days and after a few weeks.
After a few weeks, patients will be able to slowly incorporate some activities from their daily routines. As the swelling resolves, some perceived volume in the treated area will be lost. By the six month-mark patients will see the final results of the procedure.
Some risks that are often associated with fat transfer procedures include:
Despite meticulous techniques, around 50-60% of the fat cells transferred will remain viable. For some, these numbers may be slightly higher or lower.
The reason why some fat cells do not survive is that they are disconnected from their blood supply and then reconnected in the recipient area during the procedure. Your provider will compensate for this pattern by delivering an excess of donor fat to the area you wish to enhance.
The fat cells that remain will continue to thrive long-term. Patients can also undergo additional fat grafting sessions to achieve the appearance they desire.
Younger patients in their 30s and 40s may appear more refreshed and enhanced after fat transfer, which can help to create youthful-looking curves and offset facial volume loss.
Older patients in their 50s and 60s can benefit from combining fat transfer with surgical procedures, such as a facelift or neck lift for comprehensive anti-aging results.
For facial fat transfer, a single session is typically enough to accomplish the patient’s intended results.
For treating larger areas of the physique, such as the breasts or buttocks, 2-4 fat grafting sessions may be sufficient to create the desired changes, spaced out around 3 months apart.