Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation: It’s All About Proportion

Choosing a size for breast augmentation at my practices serving Midvale and Salt Lake City can be challenging for some women. They worry about finding a balance between a noticeable size increase and negative side effects associated with overly large breasts, such as back pain. It’s a common concern, but there’s a simple answer for it: proportion.

In this blog post, I’d like to discuss why proportion is the secret to attractive and sustainable breast augmentation results you can feel comfortable with and confident about for years to come.

Avoiding the Negatives

It’s true that there are negatives associated with larger breasts, including back pain, difficulty exercising, rashes, and trouble finding flattering clothes. It’s also common for a large bust to overwhelm the frame and conceal attractive body contours. However, these issues are typically caused by out-of-balance proportions.

Though it seems counterintuitive, the goals of breast augmentation and breast reduction are mostly the same: to create a size that flatters your figure while allowing you to be physically comfortable. Breast reduction does this by removing volume, while breast augmentation does this by adding volume.

When your surgeon takes your frame and proportions into account when selecting an implant size, you can avoid these size-related complications or concerns. This approach can achieve fullness and volume minus the unwanted side effects.

Finding Your Own Ideal Size

Another idea that it’s important to keep in mind when it comes to proportion is that cup sizes and implant sizes look different on different people. While it’s great to have an idea of the look you’re going for based on inspiration from celebrities, family, and friends, try not to be married to specific measurements. I can create the same effect for you, but the actual sizes may be different because the size and shape of your body may be different.

In addition to physical considerations, your lifestyle needs, such as fitness goals, are just as important to take into account. Making sure your implant size will be sustainable for you and your activity level is key when it comes to lasting satisfaction.

Your Consultation

All of these factors come together at your consultation, where we’ll work together to select an ideal size for your unique proportions and desired results. This involves taking precise measurements and having an in-depth conversation about your long-term goals for your implants.

This conversation sets the stage for a breast augmentation approach that is tailored specifically to you and your body—an approach you can count on for results that flatter your shape without causing discomfort.

To see examples of this approach in action, please visit our breast augmentation before-and-after photo gallery.

If you would like to learn more about breast augmentation at my practices in Midvale and Salt Lake City, please contact us online or call (801) 937-9650.